体調を気遣う言葉(Expressions of concern for someone’s health)
Recently, the flu has been spreading in Japan.
I hope this message finds you well and you’re taking care of yourself.
Today, I’ll be sharing some expressions for checking in on someone’s health. Feel free to use them in both your professional and personal life:)
【体調が悪そうな人が近くいるとき:When you see someone who looks unwell】
▶親しい関係の場合(In close relationships)
大丈夫?=Are you ok?
顔色が悪いけど大丈夫?=You don’t look well, are you ok?
(Kaoiro ga walui kedo daijoubu?)
▶目上の人・ビジネスシーン(With superiors or in formal relationships)
大丈夫ですか?= Are you feeling alright, sir/ma’am?
(daijoubu desuka?)
顔色が悪いようですが、大丈夫ですか?=You don’t look well, is everything alright?
(Kaoiro ga walui you desuga Daijoubu desuka?)
I’ll keep sharing expressions for different situations, and I’d appreciate it if you stay tuned!